Scared of the Dentist? How to Overcome Your Fear

Dental Arts of Salem • April 27, 2021

Are you scared of the dentist? You're not alone in your fear, and there are several coping options available. Learn causes of dental phobia and what to do.

scared of the dentist

Are you scared of seeing the dentist? Do you have an aching tooth you've been too afraid to get fixed?

You're not alone. Around 36% of the population are scared of the dentist, while another 12% have an extreme dentist phobia.

It's important to visit a dentist regularly to ensure that your oral health doesn't cause more problems in your life. That's why we've collected the best ways to help you move past your fear and get yourself healthy again. Keep reading to learn more!

Find the Right Dentist

One of the biggest ways to bring comfort to yourself whenever you need dental treatment is to find the right dentist. Sometimes we get along with a dentist more than others, or we feel more relaxed at one facility compared to another.

That's why you'll want to do a little bit of research about the dentists beforehand. Look for a dentist's office that makes you feel good. Look for a specific dentist that you think will be a good match for your needs.

If there's someone you feel you'd connect with, request to see them for your next visit.

Make sure you check out their dental services and other details so that you have a better understanding of what to expect before you arrive.

Visit the Facility

Sometimes our fear comes from feeling overwhelmed by the unknown.

We don't know if the procedure will be painful. We don't know if we'll feel at ease with the dentist. We don't know what the dental office even looks like.

To learn how to not be scared of the dentist, we need to quell the fear of the unknown. Visiting the facility before your appointment is a great way to learn more about the place. This helps you feel comfortable when it's time to go for a procedure.

If possible, ask the staff questions and see if you're able to meet with your dentist. This forges a bond between the two of you that'll make the next steps easier for you to accomplish.

Talk to the Dentist

Even if you're unable to meet your dentist before the appointment, you'll want to talk to them before any of the dental procedures begin. Explain your situation and let them know that you're feeling nervous or anxious about the whole visit.

This lets your dentist know that they need to adjust the way they do things to put you more at ease. If you never say anything, the dentist won't ever know that you might need extra time to relax between stages. They won't know to ask if you need a break.

It also gives you a chance to examine your own emotions. Sometimes thinking about how we're feeling lets us understand it better, which leads to us feeling calmer.

Being honest with your dental care provider is one of the best ways to make the entire experience better for both of you!

Ask for Explanations

If you dislike the idea of telling a stranger about your fear, then you'll want to focus on asking about the procedure instead. Asking the dentist to provide detailed explanations of everything they plan to do during the procedure helps you know what to expect. 

Getting an explanation at the beginning of the visit is good, but go a step further. Ask your dentist to explain what they're doing as they do it. This lets you have a sense of control over the situation and ensures that you'll never be surprised by a strange sound or sensation.

Learn Breathing Exercises

When you don't know what to do if you're scared of the dentist, it's good to have a couple of different comforting tools to fall back on. Breathing exercises are perfect for this.

Many of us have trouble with controlling our breathing whenever we're scared. By learning a good breathing exercise routine, you'll have a way to make certain you control your anxiety.

Breathing in for four seconds, holding for four seconds, and then releasing for four seconds is a basic exercise that you can use at any time.

You don't want to add the fear of passing out onto all of your other fears. Make sure to know a couple of different breathing exercises to use during your next dentist appointment. It'll help throughout every stage of the visit.

Bring a Comfort Item

When we're scared of going to the dentist, sometimes the best thing to do is to bring a comfort item with you to the appointment. If there's something in your life that always helps calm you down, bring it with you and hold it in your hands. Your dentist won't mind.

This is a great way to help a child overcome their fear of the dentist, but it's also good for adults. Anything that brings you some kind of comfort works well as long as it doesn't hinder your dentist's work.

A teddy bear, a music player, an audiobook, and even a family member are excellent ways to bring extra comfort to your visit.

Use a Panic Signal

Even with all of these tools to help us, there might still come a time where your anxiety gets the better of you. That's why you'll want to establish a signal with your doctor to show when you need them to stop for a few minutes.

The easiest is raising your hand, but the signal can be anything that you desire as long as it's visible while the dentist does their work. Make sure to tell the dentist beforehand so that they're on the same page as you.

This way, you'll always have control when you need to calm your nerves.

No Longer Let Being Scared of the Dentist Dictate Your Oral Health

Good oral health is key to a healthy lifestyle. Even if you're scared of the dentist, it's important to find a way to go anyway. Our list of tips helps make this possible.

The next time you need a dentist appointment, come back to this list and use it to push past your fear. It's the best way to ensure you get the kind of dental care you deserve!

If you need oral care and fear going to a dentist facility, make sure to contact us and we'll help you every step of the way.

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