What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Dental Arts of Salem • January 31, 2022

What is sedation dentistry? When you need to stay calm and relaxed prior to and during your dental procedure, explore how sedation dentistry can help you.

what is sedation dentistry, sedation dentistry

Does your oral hygiene suffer due to fearing the dentist's chair? If so, you're not alone.

Research suggests that 40 million Americans avoid getting their teeth properly taken care of due to anxiety and fear. This common phobia can lead to health problems.

Fortunately, sedation dentistry can help! What is sedation dentistry? Keep reading to learn more.

Reasons for Odontophobia

Before discussing sedation dentistry, let's look at the "why" behind this fear. What causes odontophobia?

Like most fears, this psychological condition can stem from a number of different reasons, including:

  • Traumatic experiences with oral care
  • PTSD from abuse
  • Feeling out of control
  • Adopted fear from parents or caretakers
  • Hearing of the fear through media
  • Seeing frightening-looking dental devices
  • Hearing the noises made during cleanings, fillings, and other procedures

Any of these sources can trigger a response from the amygdala. It triggers a full "fight or flight" response.

Even though the fear may seem silly, the nervous system response it produces is very real. Rationalizing does not cure a phobia overnight.

It can take a long time in therapy to get yourself to a point where the anxiety does not overcome you. In the meantime, sedation dentistry can help you keep up on your hygiene.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry refers to oral care done with the patient sedated. The dentist administers medication that will help them feel calm and relaxed. 

It may even cause you to fall asleep completely. Depending on the extent of your fear, the procedure you need, and your health history, it may work a little differently.

The sedation dentist typically uses three main types.

Oral Sedation

For mild anxiety, a patient may only require oral sedation. For this, the dentist will prescribe medicine in pill form that causes drowsiness.

This often takes the edge off of a person's fear. Sometimes, it even allows the person to fall asleep in the chair. But the dentist can easily awaken a person under oral sedation when they need their cooperation. They may feel tired for much of the day but will typically feel functional after several hours.

Conscious Sedation

Conscious sedation refers to a patient in a state of twilight. While they do not fall completely asleep, they also do not remain fully aware of their surroundings.

In this in-between state, they can follow instructions without feeling afraid. The dentist typically uses nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas.

The patient inhales it through an oxygen mask. This promotes feelings of euphoria and calmness throughout the procedure and wears off fairly quickly once they turn off the supply.

Full Sedation

For severe phobias and major dental procedures, a full sedation dentist may put the patient completely to sleep. For this, they set up medications through the IV. 

It requires more preparation and the drowsiness will last much longer. They should not expect to do much for the rest of the day.

Important Considerations

Going to a dentist that does sedation gives you a little more to think about than your typical office visit. You must plan this out properly and prepare for it.

Ask your primary doctor about any possible medication allergies or interactions. They should write a list for you to give to your dentist ahead of time so that they can plan accordingly.

You should not drive yourself to your appointment for sedation dentistry. Set up a ride to and from your appointment.

With laughing gas, you may be able to work afterward. With the other sedation options, you will need to call off for the day, so plan that ahead of time.

Potential Risks

Whether you take an over-the-counter medication, like Tylenol, or something stronger prescribed by a doctor, you always need to weigh the potential risks. Most side effects are minor.

They include:

  • Prolonged drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Mental fogginess
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headaches

Though very rare, serious side effects can occur. Some people suffer an allergic reaction to the medications. Others may experience a significant drop in blood pressure.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Despite some risks, people choose sedation dentistry because the benefits outweigh potential problems. Most people walk away with a positive experience.

Here are some of the benefits!

Good Oral Hygiene

Skipping regular cleanings and other important dental procedures can lead to plaque build-up, bad breath, cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay. Let go too long, it even creates a high risk for infection and heart disease. Oral sedation allows you to make it to every visit without feeling fearful.

You should see your dentist every six months for cleanings and promptly if cavities or other issues arise. This ensures that your smile stays healthy and beautiful.

Less Anxiety

Odontophobia can create an anxiety spiral. The fear begins with the thought of needing to see the dentist.

From there, it branches off. Either you go and feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety, or you do not go and worry about your oral health. Sedation dentistry stops worry in its place. 

Facing Your Fears

Facing your fears in a way that feels safe can provide a step in overcoming them. Going in for your procedure with sedation puts you into the dentist's chair where you can come out completely unharmed and potentially feel better.

This exposure may help your mind learn that the dentist is not something to fear. It may not happen overnight, but with therapy, this may help you work through it and eventually see the dentist without needing sedation.

Saving Money

At first glance, it may seem that sedation dentistry costs more than a typical checkup. After all, you must pay for the medications and extra time for watching yourself after the procedure. 

But, in the long run, it can save you loads of money. Letting your oral health go can result in very expensive procedures down the road, and this prevents it from getting to that.

Choose Sedation Dentistry

Do not allow your fear of the dentist to prevent you from protecting your teeth. Ask your provider about sedation dentistry.

What is sedation dentistry? It is a solution that keeps you coming back for proper checkups and leaves you feeling good about it.

Your smile means the world to us! Book your appointment today.

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