To enable even the most fearful patient to receive dental care, Dr. Sameer Dogra has obtained the training and certification needed to qualify him to administer nitrous, oral conscious sedation, & IV sedation dentistry. He understands that dental visits make some people very anxious, while there are others who find it difficult to remain still during treatment and follow directions from the dentist. Every person needs to maintain their dental health to protect their overall health. Sedation is the key factor that can help people in these situations stay healthy.
A trained and experienced practitioner can scale the level of sedation to meet the needs of the patient. For some, light sedation through oral medications taken before the visit is all that is needed for dental work. For others, deeper oral sedation through the use of nitrous oxide can facilitate treatment. During this sedation, a patient remains somewhat conscious and can respond to the dentist or his staff. When the sedation wears off, the patient will very often have little or no recollection of the procedure that has taken place.
Nitrous oxide is an inhaled sedative administered throughout the dental procedure. A small mask placed over the nose is used to deliver the sedative. When the procedure is over and the nitrous oxide is withdrawn, the patient wakes up very quickly. Pure oxygen is provided to hasten the patient’s recovery.
If you are scheduled for a procedure during which sedation will be administered, please talk to our office staff before your arrival. With most types of sedation, a patient will need someone to drive them home afterward.